Please find pupil performance data for our school for the last four years.
Click here to access DfE School Performance tables which have further performance data for our school.
The school is working extremely hard to address the performance data issues from July 2019 (particularly the progress figure in reading). To access current up to date performance data please click here.
July 2019 Performance Data - KS2 Results
Reading: Percentage of pupils achieving expected standard: 60% (National: 73%)
Writing: Percentage of pupils achieving expected standard: 75% (National: 78%)
Grammar Punctuation and Spelling: Percentage of pupils achieving expected standard: 73% (National: 78%)
Mathematics - Percentage of pupils achieving expected standard: 73% (National: 79%)
Percentage of pupils achieving expected standard in Reading, Writing and Mathematics combined: 52% (National: 65%)
Percentage of pupils who achieved a high level of attainment in Reading, Writing and Mathematics combined: 7% (National: 11%)
Average scaled score in reading: 100
Average scaled score in mathematics: 103
Average progress scores: Reading: -2.3 / Writing: -0.2 / Mathematics: -0.4
July 2018 Performance Data - KS2 Results
Reading: Percentage of pupils achieving expected standard: 82% (National: 75%)
Writing: Percentage of pupils achieving expected standard: 83% (National: 78%)
Grammar Punctuation and Spelling: Percentage of pupils achieving expected standard: 78% (National: 78%)
Mathematics - Percentage of pupils achieving expected standard: 72% (National: 76%)
Percentage of pupils achieving expected standard in Reading, Writing and Mathematics combined: 62% (National: 64%)
Percentage of pupils who achieved a high level of attainment in Reading, Writing and Mathematics combined: 5%
Average scaled score in reading: 105
Average scaled score in mathematics: 104
Average progress scores: Reading: -1.5 / Writing: -1.1 / Mathematics: -1.8
July 2017 Performance Data - KS2 Results
Reading: Percentage of pupils achieving expected standard: 67% (National: 71%)
Writing: Percentage of pupils achieving expected standard: 73% (National: 76%)
Grammar Punctuation and Spelling: Percentage of pupils achieving expected standard: 72% (National: 77%)
Mathematics: Percentage of pupils achieving expected standard: 65% (National: 75%)
Percentage of pupils achieving expected standard in Reading, Writing and Mathematics combined: 53% (National: 61%)
Percentage of pupils who achieved a high level of attainment in Reading, Writing and Mathematics combined: 5%
Average scaled score in reading: 103
Average scaled score in mathematics: 103
Average progress scores: Reading: -1.4 / Writing: -0.8 / Mathematics: -2.4
July 2016 Performance Data - KS2 Results
Reading - Percentage of pupils achieving expected standard: 64% (National: 66%)
Writing - Percentage of pupils achieving expected standard: 66% (National: 74%)
Grammar Punctuation and Spelling - Percentage of pupils achieving expected standard: 62% (National: 72%)
Mathematics - Percentage of pupils achieving expected standard: 66% (National: 70%)
Percentage of pupils achieving expected standard in Reading, Writing and Mathematics combined: 50% (National: 53%)
Percentage of pupils who achieved a high level of attainment in Reading, Writing and Mathematics combined: 3%
Average scaled score in reading: 102
Average scaled score in mathematics: 102
Average progress scores: Reading: -1.4 / Writing: - 2.1 / Mathematics: - 1.7